Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Leshan and the giant Buddha

There is actually not much to say but I will upload some photos later.

I took a early bus, around 10am or something (ok maybe not so early but I was really tired), so I arrived in Leshan around noon, or 12.30 perhaps. Linger, who would be my guide for the day, should have met me at the bus stop but she thought I would arrive later so she didn't, instead she managed to guide me to the right local bus to the giant Buddha and she got on the bus two stops later, where her dormitory is.

At first it was a little bit stale and awkward but after a while, and a lunch, we both warmed up and started chatting more. We had the lunch just outside the Buddha area entrance and after that we went to another entrance for students and such to get a discount, so my ticket was only 70 yuan instead of 140 and Linger's was only 10 yuan, because she is a student there.

At first it was just walking around, well not only at first, basically all the time, but I stopped to take some photos once in a while, we finally found the Buddha, not so difficult as it sounds actually, and we walked around it, down and up again, and took some photos. We walked around some more there and looked at some other stuff and then we started our journey around the small mountain.

Linger is a walker and I like that too, as long is its not too much up and down like it was at mt. Emei, here it was better, and not very far either actually, so we walked around for an hour or two until we found our way out at the other end.

We took a bus back to a more central place of Leshan and there we walked along the river and got a glimpse of the Buddha from further away (not a good glimpse) but mostly we just walked and talked. At the end we sat and talked instead because Linger was getting tired.

It was getting later but I had realised that this was just about all I would get out of Leshan, so I decided to try my best to catch the last bus home (at 7pm) but before that we would have to have some dinner. Linger took me to Sue's favourite restaurant, a small hot pot place which was rather nice, and we spent the last our we had together eating and talking instead of walking and talking.

Finally she got me back to the bus stop and I got there just in time, 5 minutes before the departure, so we said our goodbyes and I left, rather happy about the whole day.

Photos will be added later!

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