Monday, March 24, 2008

The Dark Tower - Spoiler warning

I finally finished reading my Dark Tower now and like it was King's tower I feel like it was my own too in some ways. After following the gunslinger through his adventure I was a little bit disappointed at the ending, but not surprised, but like King says himself, if you only read it for the end you are a fool and if you enjoyed the story you would do better to stop reading (listening) here. It really was a wheel, or I would rather call it a pendulum, the fifth book, Wolves of the Calla, was in my opinion the best one - it is from there I got the idea to do a well known story out of context, Wolves of the Calla is after all a the John Sturges' Magnificent Seven out of context and the Magnificent Seven is itself Akira Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai out of context - after that the characters seems to be leaving in the same order he drew them, even though Eddie actually dies first he doesn't leave the story until Roland comes back to his world, and I also want to argue that Patric is Jake so like he was drawn twice he also leaves twice. And of course when the pendulum is down it starts swinging up again, forever.

I also want to argue that The Dark Tower could be Stephen King himself, as an author, the world of 19 is his conscious, the world of 99 is subconscious (and that is why it is so different from the real world), and all the other levels of the tower is his imagination. At the point where he is almost killed the tower is about to fall but he is saved and the tower and the beams start healing, I guess the tear down on the beams is his own abuse of his body, drinking, smoking and not being healthy. Is abuse is the breakers.

Now the Harry Potter series are up, I feel like I'm not really up to date with the world when people start talking about Harry Potter, and I do like the movies so I'll give it a chance.

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