Monday, April 13, 2009

Playing in Hong Kong (part 1)

There is a lot to do in Hong Kong but mostly you need to have contacts for it, or at least it will be a lot easier if you do. Fortunately I have a few contacts and one of the companies I'm involved with likes to arrange things for their employees with families on holidays and last Friday (Good Friday as it was) was one of those times. For me it involved some teacher training in the morning and that Maja didn't have to join, but the buffet mentioned in Culinary Hong Kong and the team building we had after both Maja and Ariel joined. The whole day was great fun and I got to know some of the teachers a bit better. We had planned to go out and do something in the evening after but we were so tired and dehydrated from the games and eating that we just went down for a drink at the hotel bar near my home.

My main friend and contact for doing outdoor fun things in Hong Kong is my good friend and colleague from UK, Marc Rimmer, he has worked with outdoor sports in Hong Kong before and made some good friends in the field. So he arranged for us to go out wakeboarding with one of his friends and we had an awesome day playing in the water yesterday, but so exhausted now and muscle aches all over.

I think there won't be any more play like this but perhaps we will do something in the weekend and we should go to Ocean Park on Friday.

Me trying to wakeboard, I did get up on my second try
but I couldn't manage any other impressive feat.

Maja trying to wakeboard as well, and in fact she was better than me.
Marc testing out as well.
Finally Marc's friend and our instructor showing us how it is done.

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