Wednesday, April 30, 2008


It's been a while since I wrote here and it's basically because nothing interesting at all has happened. That is not entirely true thought but it's just not interesting enough to write about. I have seen loads of small things like stupid car accidents and new born kittens and stuff, and I've been working so much that I've hardly had time to do anything else.

What I have managed to do though is to join a gym, 1200 kuai for 3 months, or it was actually 1199 but same same. I go there basically three times a week now, doing the training bike for 20-30 minutes every time and then just lifting weight, so I think I've become more fit now, after a month, but I've of course gained some weight and is again around 90kg.

There has hardly been any time left over for party, I've been out to clubs like once over the last month but at least I went out today, some friend's friend's birthday and we found them at a KTV, karaoke, which was fun, and I just got back from there now so I'm pretty tipsy, which was pretty easily managed considering I haven't been drinking properly for a month and that I just came back from the gym before I went out.

I'm going to Hong Kong again next week to renew my visa, and that has turned out to be a big problem, there are a lot of changes in the visa rules and I'll be happy to get more than 30 days this time, which means I'll probably have to go back to Hong Kong again in the beginning of June. This time I will not only go to Hong Kong though, I will also make a stop in Shanghai and visit Wenying (Sharon) again, to finally give her the pear cognac that dad brought me as her Christmas gift, better late than never I guess. Now I must sleep, I actually have classes tomorrow, even though it's only in the afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Du borde springa på rullband eller mortionscykla också, då kommer du märka skillnad snabbare ^^ plus att dina muskler kommer synas jättefint

Johan said...

Men det e ju det jag gor, cyklar typ 15-30 minuter fore ett pass och 10-20 minuter efter.