Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May holiday

While everybody back home were drinking in the park for one day I got 4 days holiday here. I was planning to go to some ancient town with Jane but when we arrived at the bus station on Thursday noon we found it so crowded it was nearly impossible to get anywhere and we soon found out that all the buses to that place had left already, instead we went to the Museum of Science and Technology in Chengdu which turned out to be pretty crappy, just about everything interactive there was broken and the other display items were rather boring, but we had still a pretty nice time there, watched a short 4D movie and everybody except me was screaming of fear when the so very animated shark bit and the rats ran over our feet, I guess these things doesn't get to me.

It turned out that Jane would have been too tired to go out anyway, we were supposed to meet up with Aaron to watch The Ironman but she basically fell asleep when we were waiting so she didn't go with me, we had seen the forbidden kingdom the night before anyway, which had turned out to be quite bad. The movie was pretty cool actually and after Aaron and I went out on my first outdoor bar trip this year, which was pretty good. I spent my Friday resting and working out, and I got convinced by Jiao to visit her hometown in the weekend, she actually tried to have me go there on Friday night but I managed to get out of that at least.

I'm not regretting i went though, the trip there was horrible, she had told me about 3 hours but she really has no sense of time at all, it took 5 hours and I was cramped up in the middle of a rather small car with 4 other not so small guys that were smoking all the time, so when I finally arrived I smelled really bad. The goal of the trip was not her hometown (YiBin) though, instead we went to Zhuhai.

Now you might be thinking that I went to south China again where Zhuhai is close to Hong Kong but this is another Zhuhai. Hai means ocean or sea, Zhu in the case of the Hong Kong one means pearl, so the place is pearl sea, the Zhu in the case of south Sichuan is bamboo, so it's a bamboo sea, it is actually a mountain with lots of bamboos on it, so really has nothing to do with a sea.

Zhuhai was another 2 hours from YiBin and once we got there it was already getting rather late, we did a short walk though but found a snake eating a mouse, it turned out it was actually a rather dangerous snake so some Chinese people who lived just there killed it. Out plan was basically just to sleep there and get up early enough to get around the mountain before we had to start getting ourselves back the day after, it was quite cool, a lot of bamboo and cool scenery, so I took about 150 photos, it was rather foggy though so it was hard to get really good photos.

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