Sunday, May 18, 2008

A tough decision

Because all of these aftershocks and the general mood here in Chengdu almost all public school are still closed, this of course leads to me not work which renders me rather worried about not getting enough money for my travels later. I have tried to budget things but if I start working on Wednesday I will still only have about 500 yuan left for my flight ticket back to Sweden, and given how easy it is to do good budget plans for travelling, at least for me, I would say I'm pretty much screwed.

If things are not getting back to normal very soon I have started considering an option, I might actually go home now, well at least within 2 weeks there are still a lot of things to take care of.

Cons for this is that I won't be able to go to Singapore this summer, I won't go to Shanghai either to see Linna and Nana, and Wenying of course but at least I saw her last week. Also my plan was to stay here until June 28Th and leaving a month early I have to quit all my classes, which might make my employers here upset but considering the circumstances I guess they wont argue too much about it. The worst thing is still leaving prematurely, it's on pretty short notice and I will hardly have enough time to say goodbye to my friends here.

Pros for this is that I will be able to join dad's 60Th birthday party, I will make it to cousin Sandra's high school graduation and I might be able to take an exam or two in June. I might also be able to get a summer job, which is both a pro and a con because I had really been looking forward to my first free summer in about 7 years.

I will make this decision before Friday night.

The biggest thing is still my plans for next year, I have for long been considering going to Hong Kong next year and work there for some time but as it is now I will hardly have enough money for it, if I do get a good summer job I might be able to get enough money to actually do it, and not only that I might also be able to visit Singapore on my way there after all.

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