Friday, May 9, 2008

Visa issues resolved

I did get the visa I wanted, double entry and expires on July 7Th, two days after I leave. After I got my visa I started my journey towards Shenzhen and thereafter Shanghai, I did a brief stop at Festivalwalk, a big shopping mall near the train station, to check out H&M and buy a pair of pants, which turned out to be a great idea because the weather in Shanghai is really bad and I only had shorts with me.

The mountains between Kowloon and the New Territories
taken from Kowloon Tong train station.

I was supposed to meet an online friend when I got to Shenzhen and since I only had around an hour before I had to take the airport bus she should have met me at the border, but of course her English is not the best and she had for some reason insisted that I should call her before she headed out, which resulted in the following things.

I had my second lunch at the border while waiting for her and then headed out to meet her where the airport buses are, she insisted that she would be there soon all the time so I didn't take the first bus I could have taken to get to meet her, that was a really bad idea since it turned out that the buses only left once per hour, not like every 15Th or at least 30Th minute that I had thought. There was also some kind of huge demonstration, people running around with Chinese flags and the love China logo and stuff all around the place so the bus was delayed even more because of that. So of course I arrived at the airport about 15 minutes before departure and I basically ran through all the check-in and security checks, only to find out that the flight wasn't even boarding yet.

I actually wanted to take the maglev train in to Shanghai after we landed but of course as it was already 11.30pm the train had stopped running and so had all the subways too, so I had to take a bus instead and then a taxi, with some good fortune I got to the hostel safely though and everything was fine.

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