Friday, May 9, 2008

A very weird night in Shanghai

I met some friendly people at the hostel right away and sat down to drink with them and at about 2am a few of us decided to head out to a club, I have heard good things about Shanghai clubbing scene so I really wanted to check it out for myself. We went to a club called bonbon where we would get entry and free drinks for 88kuai each, the club was really skanky (I think this word actually doesn't exist in English but it sounds very right), hard to explain in a good way actually but try to visualize: first the guard was definitely the largest man I've ever seen, he was easily 2.20m tall and proportionally big, he seemed a bit retarded too, a quite scary first impression. In the club itself there were loads of cheap looking Chinese girls, a few overly intoxicated western girls and loads of overly intoxicated western guys, and some Chinese guys too of course. They played hip hop music and had it's own MC for the night and the whole scene was very American, at least to me. In Chengdu we have a lot of western bar, western style places with western music and western people, this was probably the next step; a western club.

We got there pretty late though and the place started thinning out and pretty soon my friends were the only people on the dance floor. I got bored of it and started checking out other groups of people and sat down with one such, I talked a little to a few people and suddenly a girl, I think she was American at least not Chinese, asked me very rudely who I knew there, when I replied no one she just said "then go away". I was totally stunned by it, never before have I encountered anything like it, especially not in China, so I said sorry and left, now I'm totally disappointed at myself for not coming up with some better and wittier reply but I was a unsober and chocked.

A Portuguese guy we met there took us to another place when we left bonbon, I think it was just called Dragon. And that place was really shady. When we got there we were the only customers, but there were quite a lot of pretty girls there, one of our group, a Philippino guy claimed the girls were also Philippino but we never got that confirmed. The Portuguese guy started out buying as all drinks and he really spent a lot of money on us, I bought a beer by myself later and it was 50kuai, he must have spent over 300yuan to keep us there so I started to suspect that he might actually be working there, I'm not sure he heard me when I asked but he said yes.

A lot more foreigners turned up and just about all of them were just really really rude, not a single Chinese person got there except the people working there and when the Portuguese guy started making weird suggestions to my friends, like if they wanted to sleep with him, we left, he was very gay.

Back at the hostel one of the guys showed us his toy he had bought in Hong Kong, a teaser disguised as a torch, we played with it for a while, not stunning anyone but seriously considering testing it, at least after reading up on it a little, but the night caretaker overheard us and confiscated it, which resulted in a huge conflict which I felt responsible for since I had actually held it and showed it to the caretaker when he came up to check on us. We kept arguing with him for quite a while but it was really hard to get some understanding between them since the caretaker didn't speak any English and the other guy didn't understand Chinese culture, I finally manged to convince him that he would leave it at the front desk until today so I could argue with the English speaking staff instead. All went well finally and he will get it back when he leaves on Monday.

Damn weird day!


Anonymous said...

Hej Johan, hur är läget? Du var inte i Chendu nu när jordbävningen smällde till eller? Hoppas allt är bra med dig!

Unknown said...

haha, I saw you post this on facebook and then came across this very random night - good/odd times indeed! i think i have a few photos from that night, will get around to putting loads of things online before long:)

Johan said...

cool! how did you find it here anyway?