Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day after

Today has been really really boring, first I hardly got any sleep because people kept messaging and calling me, I guess it was hard to sleep anyway because the weather has been really bad, this high pressure humidity that just makes you feel sick. And then all my classes were cancelled today, I suspect they will be tomorrow as well, so I basically slept until 11am and then had like boiled eggs for breakfast, since I actually didn't have anything else and the elevators were still turned off so I couldn't really go out anyway.

There were a few more aftershocks expected during the day and one of the actually managed to make an impression, I was watching a movie then though and it only lasted for like 10 seconds but I think it felt as powerful as the original quake. I spent the day watching South Park and a movie and I baked bread, which turned out great by the way.

In the evening I decided to go out to find some Internet, which the lack of is basically the reason for my extreme boredom these days, and to my extreme joy some of the elevators were up and running again, this made me happy mostly because I ran into some human fesis on my climb up last night, that was NOT pleasant.

Anyway, news has changed and the quake is now deemed to be 7.9 instead of 7.8, there are around ten thousand dead instead of the mere 100, which is horrible by the way, and all of Chengdu is basically stopped, not that anything has happened here. Mostly people has been treating themselves bad, they don't dare to sleep and hardly even stay inside the buildings, I personally find it perfectly fine though.

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