Sunday, August 10, 2008

dance floors and how to not pick up girls in Sweden

Naive and ethnocentric as I sometimes can be I didn't realize that this was actually an international phenomenon, or at least it happens in Sweden too; that is the girls being crowded on the dance floor. This takes a slightly different shape though, in China the girls actually stay put, being that there are more girls in the clubs than guys so even the really beautiful ones can't pick and chose, not much at least, or maybe that is what they believe, in any case they stay, here the girls run away as quickly as they can once one guy starts crowding them. Eventually this leads to girls giving up and going home with the most persistent guy, no matter what he is like, and not really mattering what she wants.

This of course leads to the impossibility of doing a original dance floor pick up. Now in China on the other hand this kinda works in a very strange way, I've seen how it doesn't work there too, or actually works, most of the persistent guys got a girl in the end there too but I really can't take it, I did do dance floor pick ups in China though but at least I never had to be persistent, maybe it's just my stunning good looks or another subtle charm that I have, but I learnt, especially in Beijing, how it worked and without crowding anyone I had some nice flirts.


小吟子 said...

Partly because you are a foreigner. There are there kind of people who can take girls home: with a nice car outside, rich enough, and foreigners.

Johan said...

I agree that it is a lot easier to pick up girls as a foreigner that goes in every single country in the world exotic is attractive. I don't agree on that only special people can get girls though, even though it does help a lot but mostly you get girls you don't really want. Being rich would you really want a girl who just wants you for your money? Or for me someone just wants me because I’m a foreigner? Definitely no.

What I'm talking about in my post here though is how any guy gets a girl if he is persistent enough, this is also the wrong approach in my belief, there are better ways to get girls, some ways are universal and some are cultural, and even specific for local areas, one way can work every time in a one bar and fail in all the places around it, where the universal ways works everywhere but usually never goes down to specifics, more about inner game and stuff.

Picking up girls in clubs is not the way to go if you want to find a partner though, sure it can happen but it's more likely to shoot and miss.