Thursday, September 25, 2008

Flying, flying and flying continued

Time flies and I've been pretty busy, but let's continue with what happened with the plug in my ear; I was trying really hard to get it out but my fingers are a bit too big to put inside my ear, I was actually worried I would have to sit with it still there throughout the whole flight, but finally I asked a stewardess for something to pick it with and she gave me a rather big pincer, it probably would have been easier had she helped me too since I couldn't see anything but she really didn't seem to want to do that for some reason, so I spent about 15 minutes in the lavatory and finally to my happiness I got it out.

The rest of the flight was rather uneventful, except that I was pumped with adrenalin from the battle with the earplug so I couldn't relax and fall asleep in the next 30 or so minutes. I did finally fall asleep though and the rest was just normal sleeping/watching movie to kill time. At Hong Kong international I exchanged my last 100kr bill to a 100HKD bill and 1.8 or so HKD in coins (which is a horrible exchange rate), so that I could call Joyce from a phone booth.

3rd flight was as boring as the other two with the addition that I couldn't sleep anymore, I watched Find Bill which was pretty good but it was damned boring anyway. And then finally we are back to where we started and Deming meeting me at the airport with uncanny timing.

Once arrived he took me to a local small restaurant and forced me to eat cuttlefish, it was alright but I'm still not giving up my seafood ban! Finally finally finally I arrived at my end destination; Deming's home, and once he went back to work I could take my shower and rest up for the evening fun times!

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