Thursday, December 4, 2008

Out of phase

I think this might be just about the weirdest dream I ever had;

I was back in Bjärred in my parents’ home and I might have been 10 years younger, Sandra and Anna were there too and they were definitely 10-12 years younger, I think Maja was there too. Everything was rather normal but suddenly the ground started shaking and a flash of lightning went through the ground around us. The lightning was not like the one we see from the sky but was the color of dirt, brownish red, and wider than what you would normally think of as a fork of lightning, it was yellow in it and at the edges it turned into a hot white, it was like it was taken from a Japanese cartoon or a computer graphics animation but it still looked completely real in the dream.

The flash traveled up along the walking path to where Niklas used to live and in its wake something mysterious happened; it was as if time and space was out of synch and when you moved it could happened that a fraction of a second had disappeared, or that space was making up for there not being enough time. As I jumped over a low hedge, seemingly the one that was marking the line between the street and Niklas' font yard but still on my street, I was in mid air and then suddenly I struck ground really far, it didn't exactly hurt me but it felt like I had come down with a near infinite speed, which it must have been since I without spending any time moved from a few feet above ground to standing on the ground.

My sister and my cousins ran in through the garage, which was strangely empty, and as I ran after them a though struck me that if someone closed the door and it was out of synch with me I might as well be within the area of the door when it was closed, and that would probably kill me. I came into the kitchen and found my aunt Gordana cleaning the floor in there, but for some reason she had cleaned away even the floor tiles with the explanation that time had shifted and she had been finished it before she had started.

The gaps between time and space seemed to grow longer and like in a movie where the director what to show something general and global happening I knew that it was global, the brownish red flashes were travelling all around the world and the gap could last anything from a fraction of a second to several minutes; causing accidents and deaths all over the world.

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