Monday, December 1, 2008

A place to live!

I have been looking around at a few apartments and I have some more tomorrow to see but I'm quite set on the one I looked at on Saturday morning; it's a rather small apartment, only about 50sqm, and my room will honestly be tiny, 195x180cm (3.5sqm) with nearly 1sqm lost for a door, it is located in the east most part of Kowloon at the end of the green line with interchange to the purple one (so it actually have quite easy access to both Kowloon and Hong Kong despite it's remote location), and right on top of the metro station with an awesome view of the bay and the mountains to the east and south-east (early morning sunshine suspected) from the 28th floor (plus quite a bit as it is located on top of the park that is on top of the shopping mall that is on top of the metro station. The main contractor and user of the larger room is a Singaporean guy that works here in Hong Kong, I always have a good feeling about Singaporeans and I tend to make friends with them very easily.

The place has just about everything, even though most is not for free, the nice park for the estate, outdoor and indoor swimming pool, a decent gym and lots of other club activities like snookers and karaoke room, plus that is built on top of a shopping mall and the metro station giving easy access to most necessaries.

I still have three more apartments to look at tomorrow which are all quite promising, but they are all more expensive and only one of them has a decent location, I will go and look at them with an open mind though. Having said that, I can admit that I spent the afternoon today in IKEA; trying to figure out how to furnish a room that small. I figured out the following: a double size mattress (135x189) will fit on the length but prevent the door from opening fully, I will not care about the door because I can't live in a single bed (92x189), to me this means a Sultan either Hamnö or Hasselbäck, with 20cm legs and either storing stuff as they are or having an under-bed storage box, Anneboda, or a Mattress base with storage boxes like Sultan Arnö.

This leaves about 45cm to the wall where I'm hoping to squeeze in an 'wardrobe' PAX (which is 50cm wide and I just realized I have 45cm not 55cm so perhaps something else would be in order). I also have a big window that is rather deep set where I think I can make something of a work place and a storage area; using the bed as a seat I can have a low desk where I can sit with my computer.

The rest of the apartment is already fully furnished with most of what anyone needs; it actually even has something as unusual as a western (heated) washing machine and a drying machine!! What is lacking though is an oven but that is a later problem.

Since I don't really have any money right now I guess I will have to settle with buying a decent cheap mattress and live out of my suitcase for a while longer, it still feels good to have my own place though.

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