Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It was pretty weird sitting there and watching Deming put down several hundreds of Hong Kong dollars in markers and sometimes doubling them and sometimes losing them all but the strategy is pretty simple; he starts out low and once they have doubled a few times he leaves it doubled then keeps going and lets it build up higher and higher until he finally loses it and he starts over from the beginning. It doesn't make any rational sense whatsoever, but just seeing it like that makes me believe that luck is a skill or at least a property, I still know for sure that if you throw a dice a million time there will be the same amount of each number, give or take a few (not enough to make any real difference), unless the dice is fixed of course. In the end he made quite a lot of money, I don't know how exactly much and I guess it would be private information anyway.

The second funny thing was the prostitutes; it wasn't until around midnight they showed up and at first I didn't realize what they were - I kind of thought that a flashy casino would really allow that kind of business going on but I was apparently wrong - so I looked around as we boys normally do and kept my eyes and a pretty girl if I saw one and soon someone deliberately bounced into me, basically blocked my way and asked me if I wanted a massage. Within the next few minutes I was approached, a little bit more subtly but still, two more times, and after I tried very hard to not look at all and took particular care not to make eye contact with anyone. I was still approached one more time and Deming was also approached once, despite being very careful not to look from the very beginning.

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