Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Last night in Shanghai (3rd night in Shanghai)

Wenying was already home when I came back with the supplies, Linna had gone off to buy some bread since I finished the little they had that morning (they actually had Bregott and Hushållsost so I just had to eat some bread). I didn't start off directly, waited until around nine or something before I did it.

It was the first time in a very long time; I did it once this summer at home in Sweden but before that only twice in total in Chengdu. I had bought a new small frying pan since the ones they had weren't really flat and I worked with chopsticks since the other spades they have were way too thick.

Finally success, I'm pretty proud of myself actually, the pan was really awesome actually, easy to work with and nothing stuck to it at all. We sat down together for half an hour or so and finished up the pancakes with cheap Chinese strawberry jam and watched an episode of American Dad (rather Linna and I watched and Wenying was on the phone).

Good times, I can't wait until I get my own place in Hong Kong, I really miss having a kitchen.

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