Monday, November 17, 2008

yao ling ling

Last night they had a fund raiser for the local rugby team at Carol's too, for this they had hired a pole-dancer who did a 10 minute show in the evening, a MALE pole-dancer; black leather west and tight fitting black briefs, very sexy and extremely gay. To make money for the team they had a lottery going on so the players and other people involved with the team were running around convincing people to buy lottery tickets to win the big price; a bottle of wine, or a small price; random funny stuff.

Ryan and Andrew (US and Aussie friends) were convinced early on to get a ticket but I wasn't so easy to convince, eventually I also came through and bought number 21 from a guy with a panda hat. Not long after I paid my 20 kuai for the ticket Kelly showed up and complained that I hadn't bought a ticket from her so I ended up paying another 20 kuai for number 100. So when they started drawing the first round of tickets we sat there with four tickets between us, the girls with us only seemed to care for dancing so they hadn't bought any.

In the beginning they mostly gave out the funny stuff but the last one of the first round was a bottle of wine but of course I didn't get it, I think that one was for 007 actually. They did several drawings through the night but my numbers never came up, I heard 23, 19, 18, 010, lots of 00x numbers also; there was actually a lot more numbers drawn than actual gifts because two numbers out of three were never claimed. And so it came to the last drawing; they still had several bottles of wine left and we still had four potential winners. Of course there were several misses first, I heard 102, and 103, and for Andrew's 62 there came a 61. At this point Andrew was standing behind me yelling 62 and suddenly he got the reply he wanted, 62!!! Andrew was the winner of a 2006 Bordeaux and as soon as he knew it he announced wine for everybody.

When he got up with his bottle they had already started drawing for the next one, yao ling yao (101), dammit so close! But no one came to claim it, another one: yao ling ling, say again?!? one zero zero, oh yes box!

Not long after we had gathered a load of wine glasses, but even sharing a few glasses with other friends; Kelly got one for selling me the ticket of course, Aaron had one too, and Andrew and Ryan had some other friends, the girls with is are not much of drinkers so there was a lot of wine between the three of us. I got pretty well loaded before I left that night.

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