Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Pancakes 2-4 portions

3dl Flour
6dl Milk
3 eggs
some grease to fry in (I prefer mixed oil and butter since it's easier than butter and tastes better than oil)

mix the flour and half the milk (it is easier to mix with less milk in the beginning)
add the rest of the milk
add the eggs
add a dash of sugar and a dash of salt
stir for a while, the longer the better

melt a very small amount of butter/oil in a frying pan of your size
pour a thin (about 1mm) layer of the mixture in the pan and let it cover most of the pan
turn when the whole mixture has turned solid, should be about 30-90 seconds depending on heat and thickness, medium temperature is usually the best, thicker pancakes means lower temperature, so it won't get burnt, and a lot longer time
about 30 seconds on the flip side and put the pancake on a plate to cool off
it is usually enough to add oil or butter for every second pancake, judge for yourself if it's greasy enough

enjoy with your choice of jam, sugar, syrup, ice-cream or other sweet stuff that you like (I prefer jam, strawberry or raspberry)

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