Thursday, June 5, 2008

Back home

Back home I spent the first day just hanging with my sister and Sofia and later in the evening I had dinner with them and mom and dad. The day after was a lot more eventful with meeting loads of friends for real Swedish pizza and then drinking too much, first at the restaurant then at Maja's, Sofia's and Madde's apartment in Klostergården and then later at Mat's place also in Klostergården and then finally walk in to town to have a real Swedish kebab at kebabvagnen, and take a 150kr taxi back to Bjärred, I really do miss cheap drink and really cheap taxis. It was the first time to meet Sandra's boyfriend Varij, that was quite interesting.

More things going on on Saturday with dad's 60th birthday party and all the family coming over, I was a bit hangover half the day but was fine in the evening, just really tired. The party was fine, lots of gifts for dad, among them was mainly an exclusive bottle of Cognac that we tried later on, I also got to give my gifts I had brought, unfortunately we have to wait for the correct ones for cousin Anna, aunt Gordana and uncle Per, they were all wrong. We had great barbecued lamb and sausages and a great cake and things too, I was actually worried I would start gaining weight already but it was still OK the morning after. For some reason everybody was really tired so everybody went home early and I slept around 11pm already.

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