Thursday, June 5, 2008

Simple luxury

On Sunday evening Maja, Alexander and I went out to Blekinge to spend a few days at our summer house there, Maja only stayed two nights but that was enough to enjoy the simple luxury of barbecuing spareribs with wedge potatoes and wine and sitting in the evening sun drinking cold beers.

The two days Alexander and I were alone we kept enjoying these simple pleasures and also added the somewhat aristocratic game of white-wine-archery and of course swimming in the not-yet-warm-enough-lake and just major relaxing.

We did actually do some good too; all the lawns are newly cut, I watered some plants for mom and exercising by walking around the ca 10km circle around to Ettebro and back, and of course sun tanning.

All in all we had a great few days, despite the mosquito bites, and I hope we can do it again next week.

The aristocratic way of doing archery: With a chardonnay by the setting sun.

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