Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pancake workshop

Finally I got to make pancakes in my new flat, or actually it was the second time since I did a trial run last weekend. We were only three people, Joyce, Almen and I, because all others invited were busy with other things or too tired, but that is all right, two to three (or maybe four) is the appropriate amount of people for pancakes. Joyce also made some paste that turned out really great and the pancakes became desert. Also as appropriate we watched a movie, Beerfest, which turned out to be really fun.

All in all it was just as it should be! And the leftover pancakes, because there were quite a lot. Well they became a very steady Sunday breakfast :D


Sophia Kuo Tiong said...

Pancakes for the Pancakeguy! Any photos of the new flat?

I'm back on msn again!

Johan said...

Hmm, I haven't taken any photos because my camera broke last summer. There should be some photos available from Christmas and some other dinner event on facebook, from other friends, but maybe they only share with friends :(

Welcome back, we missed you ;););)