Saturday, January 3, 2009

Promiscuous lies

People lie because people want to hear lies. Or rather people don't want to hear the truth. The truth is always there to be seen but we tend to be very selective in what we see.

It is like with how the eye can actually only register a tiny dot at any single moment and how the imagine of the world we perceive is built out of a series of dots and moments. But there is never enough time to see every dot so we try to select what is most interesting. We are still somewhat blind.

So we build up our world out of all the information we have and it is not as flat and static as our vision and that means there are so much more dimension to be versatile.

Everybody lies. But is hiding the truth by leaving it out also lying? Or saying one truth to distract from or have another truth distorted? I think morally it is easier for us to just neglect to tell the truth and easier yet to cover one truth with another.

We think we want to know the truth about everything but the truth is that is just lying to ourselves; we still know that we don't want to get hurt and the truth is all too often very painful.

So do you think you are the only one for him? You believe it because you want to, because he never told you otherwise. He never told you that either but that is easy to forget. You need him to lie to you because there is actually only a small chance that he is telling the truth, if he can have others he has.

She is just as bad though;
who lies more, men or women?
who cheats more, men or women?
You have your own answer I'm sure but mine is that it probably is the most equal thing there is between the sexes.
who lies better then, men or women?
Here I think women are better; it is actually "proven" (it can be discussed how that is proven) that women are more orally inventive than men which should make it easier for them to lie. I personally think women are better liars because it is harder for them to cheat; it doesn't take much creativity to come up with a 'no' anyway.

We still want to trust people, and we don't want to be proven wrong about them so we want them to keep lying to us. And I will almost completely trust anyone I make friends with, at least to a point where it doesn't jeopardize my security. I'm also very open with my friends myself but I have discovered that it is not very appreciated all the time, and there is always a point when I don't like to share everything anymore and lies starts to come easier.

Even though everybody lies not everything is promiscuous though; there are still people out there, both men and women, who don't have to lie about those things. But isn't it rather naive to think that your partner or target of interest is one of those?

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