Friday, March 6, 2009

Buying a Sofa

I had picked out my "Karlstad" sofa, received the deposit from Gary (former flat mate) and had enough time to actually go to IKEA and buy it. So I set out in the mid afternoon with a clear goal and high spirits. However, once I had arrived at Kowloon bay IKEA and written down exactly what I wanted the woman (or I should say girl) found that they didn't have the 2-seat part frame in stock, neither did they know when they would, later it turned out that they should have gotten it last month but hadn't yet and after pushing the girl about it she guessed it would take at least another month.

So I had to consider my options; IKEA also has a sofa called "Kramfors", it is similar size and price but with a few drawbacks; 1. It doesn't come in any color that I'm looking for (closest is a dark gray), 2. It is about 15cm wide than "Karlstad", that is 15cm I don't really have and 3. It is not nearly as comfortable as "Karlstad". There is "Tylösand" from IKEA as well, this one comes in a reddish purple that is close to the brown I was looking for originally and it is only 7cm wide than "Karlstad", however this one costs 2000HKD more. Or as a final option I could look in other stores.

I set out to MEGA-BOX where they have a B n' Q, another furniture/hardware store, they didn't have many sofas to pick from though and all of them were quite bad, they did, however, have a wide selection of other interesting stuff, for later. Next we an exhibition centre near MEGA-BOX where they exhibit and sell stuff, and two floors are for furniture. Most of these are actually selling designed homes rather than separate furniture, some did though and actually the first place had these really cool luxury sofas in leather where the two side seats in a 3-seat sofa had an electronic unfolding, and these were actually price worthy; the original price ranged from 15 to 18 thousand HKD but they were mostly down to 6 to 9 thousand, e.g. within my limit. I decided against this though, it might be cool but it wouldn't really suit my home, it is something of a combination of luxury and tacky TV-comfort and it just don't go with my vision.

So after several hours of sofa searching I ended up in IKEA again and was close to buying "Kramfors" despite the negative points when another idea came up; most of IKEA's sofas are actually unit based and can be combined a little bit like you want it, this basically means that you can buy one part now and another later, and in the case of "Karlstad" it was only the 2-seat frame unit that was missing. Unfortunately the lounge part (the 'L') is an add-on and cannot be used separately, so this idea failed, but "Tylösand", which is actually slightly more comfortable than "Karlstad" suddenly became possible since I could buy a 2-seat part now and but the lounge later when I have more money.

After serious consideration I decided on "Tylösand" 2-seat unit and the footpad for it, together with a "Lack" coffee table and a knee "table" for my computer I know have what I need to survive for a while. This actually turned out cheaper than the original plan but the total cost for the sofa will be higher, e.g. today I had planned to spend about 6500HKD, or slightly more, for sofa and coffee table but finally only spent 6300HKD, I will have to buy the lounge later though for about 4000HKD more, can be much later.

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