Sunday, November 4, 2007

Chinese bars.

I hung out with Luna the whole afternoon on Saturday, we were actually supposed to go to an amusement park outside Chengdu but she was exhausted after a night out until 8am so we got delayed and there was just no point in going, I was supposed to meet Erin, a random girl that started talking to me because I was a foreigner a few weeks ago, but that too changed too and instead I ended up having hot pot with Luna and Bella, I guess I have to make it up to Erin later because I postponed our meeting on Friday too to go and watch a movie with Jane, I was actually too tired to to do anything really.

After dinner we met up with Aaron and some of his friends at Hemp House and while we lost Luna we gained 5 others and went to a Chinese bar called A+. Now Chinese bars and not really bars, I would like to call them venues, they are not clubs because they don't have dance floors even and they are not bars because they play loud enough music so that you can't hear anything but that, they are just a bunch of tables placed out in a way so that people can stand there and drink, dance or play dice games or whatever around them, it's quite fun really at least once you get drunk enough to communicate with people you can't talk to. Bella left to meet Luna at Paname instead, she just hated the place.

We were not drunk enough so we left for Shamrock, only 2 minutes walk from there. At Shamrock I met the American guy that speaks Swedish that I've heard about before, that was quite fun and what was even more fun was that a guy overheard us speaking Swedish and we ended up chatting with two Swedish backpackers for about 30 minutes, than two others actually, I might meet up with the first pair later this week, we'll see, I just got their facebook.

After that we decided to try A+ again, Shamrock isn't that fun and I wanted something more active. We still weren't drunk enough and I spent like the first hour there trying to get there, we found some drinks that weren't too fun, they always do this whiskey-ice tea thing but in this place they have already mixed the whiskey before they sell it, it's really weak. After that and some too expensive beers we tried out the center of the club, the closest thing you can come to a dance floor, I guess it is it's just that there are more tables than space to stand in, we made some new temporary friends there anyway.

A lot of people were leaving and those who stayed just got drunker, Aaron and Kelly, the last two of my entourage for the night, gave up and went home too but I wouldn't give in so easily, I made friends with the closest table that had drinks and started getting drunk. The table was actually a podium or stage or something and some people went up there to show off there dance "skills" once in a while, I just watched and moved around to another group. Not all groups were Chinese actually, I think 2 of the 4 groups I joined that night were Chinese and the others were western, this one was one of the western. I played dice with some guys and flirted with another guys girlfriend, which ended up with them arguing and everybody leaving and me going to another group.

By this time it was late, there was only that one group left in the place and most of them were too tired to stand, we all gave up quite soon and I tried to talk to some of them outside, that was only mildly successful but fun none the less. I took a taxi home and since I'm white the taxi drove a big circle around and because I can't speak Chinese I couldn't tell him I knew he was cheating me so I just paid up and left angrily.

It was a fun night out.

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