Friday, November 16, 2007


Or whatever you might call it...

I went to my new friend A Jiao's, I think that could be her name, new apartment; a big place that she shares with some guy, overlooking the river in and was apparently about 1 minute walk from Hemp house, one of the bars I tend to frequent here. I brought my pre-made meatballs, some cream and lingon jam to cook and she made sushi, apparently taught to her by some Japanese girl in Shanghai, where she lived until just recently. We started off with going to some outdoor vegetable market, a new experience for me and a good one at that and after some minor purchases we went back home and started cooking. Well started to wait for the frying pan that someone had borrowed from them, so I just watched A Jiao doing her thing. After a long time of cutting cucumber, carrots and sausage, a sausage that looks disturbingly like a Swedish falukorv, and of mixing rice with wasabi and some other stuff she managed to make something that I could agree to call sushi. The food was quite ok and they were just overly impressed with my meatballs, they were good but a far shot from the home-made ones I made with Jane a few weeks ago.

I'm quite sure I can make korvostroganoff now, with the falukorv look-alike. Happy!

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