Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sick in China

I had been feeling a bit under the weather for a few days already; some minor stomach problems and a cold, probably the flue, but on Thursday morning I woke up and had a stomach ache, I spent the time I had set for breakfast and showering on the toilet instead and entered the pick-up car hungry and in a really bad mood, this is of course when Ivy, totally unaware of the bad start of my day, decides to reveal that Goisa and I are not working too much, we are actually working so little so we won't get any overtime at all, I totally lacks out, with me that is I'm grumpy and start arguing about it a little and then decides to quit and tell her just that.

The morning just keeps getting worse, not for any other reason than that I'm in a bad state really (the classes I had was actually pretty good), and I feel like fainting at the end of the second class I had. When we return home I fetch my contract, read it through just to make certain I haven't missed anything and finds out that they should actually count by the hour instead of class as I had thought, and hoped, which really doesn't make it any better I still feel screwed. I arrived at the office feeling really dark; my mind set on handing in the needed written notification needed to quit in 3 weeks. I argue with Ivy for a while and finally agree to think on it for a week before I decide. But the arguing was really low, everything from pleading to threats and reasoning, and on every single argument I had, she was right that she has helped me out a lot though.

Then I went home, still pissed, and passed out.

It wasn't really that simple actually, between the time that I came home until Jane finally arrived my memory is a bit blurred, I was tired like hell but I went to the bathroom about once per hour, and I still hadn't eaten anything. Jane did come though, and she bought some medicine for my throat and some for my stomach, I managed to get down some blueberry soup and later she even got me two hamburgers from McDonald's, a few seconds after I ate anything I had to go to the toilet again though. I messaged Ivy that I would be sick the day after and she called me to see how I was.

It wasn't really bad actually it's just that whatever I got in my seemed to just sprint all the way through. And that is how the whole night was too; I didn't get much continuous sleep that night.

In the morning I was feeling slightly better, I guess the medicine worked quite well, but I was totally exhausted and there was nothing to eat at home. Luckily Jane came again at lunch, giving up her 4 hour break for me (thank you so much Jane if you read this) and we had lunch, the first real meal I had eaten in about 36 hours, and went to a doctor, basically to get an official diagnosis for work and for a general checkup, they took a damn blood-test too which I think I took rather well, I just hate it and then he agreed that the medicine was the right one and suggested, or prescribed or something, one more.

The rest of the day was just resting and the morning after I felt much better, I even went our for brunch and dinner and was around the area to take care of some minor tasks. I guess the medicine really is working, I'm still taking it though.

And I talked to Ivy again today, she says she talked to the boss and they will probably raise our salary a little, that and the fact that I don't really want to screw everybody over, like everybody else are doing here is probably enough for me to decide not to quit, it will only be for a month and a half anyway so it doesn't make much sense.

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