Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Getting up to date with events!

I haven't had time to catch up with writing about everything that has happened recently, both because I have been too busy to write much and because it has been quite eventful. Let's see if I can remember everything though.

The beginning of last week was quite smooth, my horrible Tuesday afternoon classes were cancelled so I had a good rest and met with Jane for Heroes, we tried out one of those cheaper restaurants close to my home too, it feels good to be able to have quite decent food for almost no money and so close to home, I think we ended up paying 24yuan for barbecue for two.

Wednesday was more eventful, I had classes in Wenjiang in the morning and Aarons "sister", Aileen, came to check out the classes, and since I had the afternoon off we went together to Aaron's office, that is in Aileen's school where Aaron work, and found him sleeping there. Aileen had some kindergarten to go to in the afternoon to watch a class so Aaron and I went to an amusement-park, apparently the biggest one in the area around Chengdu, which is saying quite little, to catch up with Aileen there later. Of course first we waited for about an hour for Kelly, who is also working at that school, but she only came there that day to play volleyball with some students.

The park was kind of interesting, not more than once though, unless going there on a date or something I guess, the amusement part of the park was rather small, about 5-6 rides that were decent enough to ride so we saved those for last, the rest of the park was just theme and the theme was different countries, I didn't really get much of what was what but we still walked around there for a while and finally arrived at the rides. At first Aaron just wanted to do one so he bought a one ticket and I bought an infinite ticket, but when Aileen finally came I managed to convince them both to get the infinite ones too. Not much to say about the rides; they had some wannabe strange and very uncomfortable and slow roller-coaster, a few spinning things that my stomach didn't really like even though it was fun, a water splash ride thing that Aaron skipped because we had to buy raincoats for 5yuan (it wasn't much fun anyway and I have a feeling Aaron actually had more fun watching the splash from outside) and finally a up and down bouncy thing that is almost like a free-fall but not, and of course a Ferris-wheel. We were quite lucky with the crowd, a not too nice weathered weekday in November didn't call for a big crowd, but somehow I think they have fixed timings for the rides, or they waited to fill up all the seats in them before starting because even though we never really had to queue we still sat waiting for 5-10 minutes in every ride before they started.

I ended up taking a public bus home which took over an hour, and I still had to take a taxi after that, but since the park closed at around 6pm it still wasn't later then 9.30pm when I got back home, I must have fallen asleep quite soon after that, was totally exhausted.

I had no classes on Thursday afternoon either but in the evening we got some training, it was rather stupid actually; we got the training from a teacher who Ivy is rather impressed with, but the his conditions are much different from hours; he is working with a very small class, only 10 kids, on a very regular basis, I think twice a week, and with longer classes, he actually likes them to be loud and wild. Compare that to our classes; 40 kids at an average in every class and some of which we only see once per month, it is nearly impossible to teach the way he is teaching for us, but at least I got some fun ideas, I don't think it was worth 1½ hours training though, and I don't think he was that good; he is supposedly British, but that is only a passport; he is really born in Japan and has Chinese and Japanese parents, they moved to England when he was 12 and his accent is still not even close to native, it's fine anyway, I fail to be impressed with his teaching though. I made friend's with him anyway, seems to be a good idea to make more friend and he claims he is a club king, only working on afternoons and evening so he can go out clubbing every day of the week.

After the training I had to hurry to Peter's Tex-Mex, one of the more famous western restaurants in Chengdu, to meet up with Aaron, Kelly, and Jane and some of Aaron's and Kelly's other volunteer friends for a thanksgiving dinner, the dinner was really nice, I think it was quite close to the real American way with roasted turkey and stuff, 5 courses even with cider, soup, salad, turkey, dessert and tea, and someone bought a macaroni and cheese thing too while we were waiting for something, good times :). I couldn't stay out with the others though because I my Friday would be early and long, and besides, I had plans for Friday night too so might as well save up on my energy.

On Friday night I went to Paname and met up with Lily and again some of the volunteers, I guy named Peter was there already and I ended up not liking him; he started of bad with hitting on Lily, and now we are talking the creepy kind of guy that is hitting on a girl he should know she doesn't want him in a creepy kind of way, and he screwed up worse later, don't like him at all. Aaron and Kelly came over quite soon though and I met Luna there too. Lily had me buy a drink about 15 minutes before happy hour so I had to buy another quite soon for half the price, then the event of the night finally arrived, my American colleague Rick who would be celebrating birthday; I didn't really care much actually but he had asked us to go there, Lily has also been working with him a bit, and so we came and I gave him one of my precious Newcastle, which I appreciated more than I had expected.

Well Rick didn't stay long but neither did we, arguing about where we would go I called Kevin, the British teacher that had trained us to see what he was up to and it turned out he had some friends over at his place. Aaron, Kelly and Peter was coming with me but Aaron got a call from a girl at some place and they all left with him, I figured I might as well see what is up and make some new friends, which is basically what I did.

After two hours I joined Aaron at a bar instead, he had lost one or two girls and Peter was behaving bad and practically got thrown out from the place, me and Aaron stayed and could still have some fun even though it was pretty late, Chinese people don't stay out pretty late. It had evaded me how drunk Aaron was though but I found that out the hard way, suddenly a bit of vomit appeared on my hand just escaping my shirt with a centimeter, well I survived but Aaron feels quite bad about it. We left quite soon after that.

Saturday morning I had lunch, brunch, at my relatively new friend, A Jioa,'s place with some of her friends, I ended up going out shopping with her, her friend and her friend's boyfriend, that is she and her friend went shopping and me and the boyfriend tried to communicate, that was really not easy.

Later in the evening I had dinner with the company, Ivy brought her son and the driver his step-daughter, and of course it was Gosia and I. We had pizza and some pasta, life was good.

That's pretty much it, now I will make pancakes, yeay!

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