Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hong Kong to Chengdu

First make sure you have a flight ticket from Shenzhen to Chengdu, electronic tickets can be found at for less than 1000yuan for a return ticket if planned well.

Part 1, Hong Kong to Shenzhen International Airport.

  • Get yourself to Sheung Shui one way or another, there are several busses there and of course the KCR east rail
  • If you are not on the train already get a ticket to Lo Wu, it costs 20HKD
  • Get yourself through the border to Lou Hu (罗湖)
  • Take the metro from Lou Hu (罗湖) to Ke Xue Guan (科学), should be 6 Yuan
  • Get out at exit B and you have the airport busses there, the bus to the airport takes about 35 minutes and costs 20yuan

Part 2, Shang Liu International Airport to Central Chengdu.

  • If it's before 7pm you can take the airport bus which costs 6yuan, get off at Qing Long Jie, or just have me meet you at the airport, if after 7pm take a taxi to Ba Bao Jie, Carrefour or KFC, using meter it shouldn't cost more than 60 Yuan, and I can meet you there

See it is so very easy and the total transport cost won’t even exceed 100 Yuan, excluding the flight ticket. So around 1000yuan for a return trip to visit me isn't so bad, is it? It will be a bit more if you have to get a return ticket Sweden-Hong Kong too but that's another story ;)

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