Saturday, February 2, 2008

Weekends in Beijing

Pretty much suck when it comes to night life. For some reason the clubs that are bustling with life on weekdays are totally dead on weekends, and the ones that actually have life on weekends are quite bad. There is some reasonable explanation though, at least for this weekend; this weekend is a "moved" weekend, the Chinese New Year starts next Friday, or Thursday, so to get a longer continuous holiday they move the weekend from Saturday and Sunday to Tuesday and Wednesday, so a lot of people are working now and can't go out. That does not explain why it was equally bad last weekend though.

I have a few theories about this, one is a matter of money, having money and wanting money; the clubs in Beijing are expensive, I would say there are the same price as clubs in Sweden actually, but in Sweden we have a salary that is at an average about 10 times higher than an average salary in Beijing, so how can people afford to go out? The answer is really quite simple: they just can't. But they still go out, not because it's culture but because it’s what you are supposed to do, it's modern. For the girls the solution is easy, they go out and get treated whatever drinks they want, entrance is often free for girl and it's not that hard to find one of the richer guys, those are the only ones who goes to clubs anyway, it seems. And on weekends it is not free for girls, at least not the place I've been to, so there are only a few guys going there and almost no girls.

Anyway, weekends suck so if you want to have a good time here you'd better go out on a Thursday.

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