Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Drinking up vaccation

It is fun but rather stupid, I have been partying for 6 nights straight and my sleeping rhythm until this morning was basically 6am to 2 or 3pm, or even later, it is as I said fun though, a new social experience of staying in a hostel and getting along with just about any type of person, even managing to get a few out to clubs once in a while, and I have managed to keep the spending down after the water incident last Thursday and the Whiskey incident the night after. This has actually not been my fault, both on Saturday and Sunday I really wanted to just rest and go to bed early but one of the weird Manchester guys forced me to join them drinking (not that it's hard to force me to drink).

Today I'm in TianJin though and here is no partying, I forgot my camera when we went out so there are no pictures but I think I can get some tomorrow. Next week I will try to get to the Great Wall again, do the trekking this time to really make up for what I missed out the last and also the Summer Palace would be fun to visit in winter.

I went to the Silk Street market yesterday afternoon too and found my helicopter and finally bought it, I was hoping to get her down to 350 or even 300 and my hope grew when she started at 500, I said 200 and she said she knew that I knew how much it cost so she started reasonable and I gave up and gave her 400 for it, which was my budget for it anyway. I bought a pair of class A fake Diesel jeans too for 210kuai which I think is ok and I tried to find some nice silk underwear like some I bought last summer but I couldn't find anything like that at all.

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