Sunday, January 6, 2008

Flygande Jacob!

Just finished eating the best flygande Jacob I've ever made, at least in China. I decided to experiment a little because my friend complained that we didn't have enough vegetables, so I added a mix of red onion (yellow is not very easy to find here), some different peppers (red chili, green chili and some green paprika I think), tomato, ginger and garlic. I used a part of this to marinate with the chicken and then fried it all together (I think part of the success might be thanks to the extra time I've had, I had time to defrost the chicken and marinate it in oil, soy sauce, spices like curry (three different kinds of Swedish Thai-curries), black pepper, white pepper, paprika, salt, garlic and tabasco. And after that add some of the peppers and vegetables of course, I looked truly awesome when I started frying it.

The sauce was a problem actually, because I only have whipped milk which is too think and fat, so what I did was adding some skim milk (not that I know what skim is but it worked like magic), and once again basically all the spices I have and some chili sauce.

I also added curry to the rice, which actually gives it more smell and color than taste but it's cool anyway.

Finally after about 20 minutes at 175 degrees and about 10-15 more at 100 degrees (because I was making pancakes for our dessert) the marvel was done, we ate as much as we could and some more to that and there was still some over for me to have for lunch tomorrow! The pancakes wasn't that great but they were eatable, and there is always room for pancakes no matter how full you might be!

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