Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fakking <90kg

Yes, it has happened, I'm finally below the 90kg line! I discovered this last night at around 4-5am when I came back home from clubbing, I was pretty unsober and when I was about to take a shower I saw my scale and figured "why not?" So I stood up on it and lo, 89kg. I smiled happily to myself.

This I rather surprising actually because I have eaten quite a lot this last week, and rather irregularly too. Sunday last week I cooked and ate a lot of "flygande jakob" with A Jiao, on Tuesday I met with Li Min and we cooked potato buns (fried mashed potatoes), Wednesday I was with A Jiao again and this time she cooked loads of Chinese food, Thursday was the only day I was eating out; I went for Muslim food with Aaron and ended up having a few beers at Paname (and my bike stolen), Friday again with A Jiao, this time I cooked something Chinese style á la Johan and finally last night Aaron, Li Min and I made pizza that was absolutely awesome, then went out and met Kelly at Jah Bah.

It was a really funny night last night actually; I bought some wine (a nice Chilean Merlot) that we had with the pizza and a big bottle of Bailyes that we had after and some of the Xanté (pear cognac) too. After we met Kelly we mostly had beer, we played a game, a simplified version of King (the card game where you do different things for different cards) and that had us keeping our buzzes going for more than two hours. Finally when we left everybody just wanted to go out for barbecue but I somehow managed to convince them to go to a club instead, I think because it's really close to Aaron's and Kelly's homes. The first thing I managed to do there was to take a wrong step down a stair that I didn't notice and sprain my ankle, it is quite ok now but I have to be careful when I walk.

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