Sunday, January 6, 2008

Whole sale market.

I haven't written much about New Years and I won't write much either, it wasn't very interesting so I don't have much to say, basically I just spent new years at a bar called Shamrocks where my American friend Kelly was involved in some kind of performance that was quite fun but not really my style, I did enjoy it though.

I also spent the night before with my friend A Jiao to celebrate her birthday, I don't really understand if she turned 24 or 25 but we had fun anyway, met her dad and some of her friend and we played UNO with weird rules. I also had a piece of fish for dinner, a very small piece.

So the main story here is about the whole sale market that Jane and I went to yesterday. After our breakfast at a kind of cheap and nice small Chinese restaurant I handed in my photos for hard copy, and during the two our wait we had we basically just chose a direction and went off. The chosen direction was north and we soon came close to a huge market where I heard you could find some things I want to buy for someone (a secret until later because I didn't find it) so we went there.

It is a huge market, covering several blocks and they sell everything there, we found ourselves walking through the clothes area first and that was not what I was looking for, but going through just that took so much time that when we finally found another place there was not much point in find the one place I was actually looking for, and I didn't exactly look for anything, I was just there to explore.

What I did find though was that they sold toys and stuff there, eg. helicopters, but unfortunately not a single store sold the Esky brand so I couldn't find the one I wanted. I guess I'll have to buy that when I come to Beijing instead.

Then we biked back and got the photos and I wanted to get boxes to send the stuff, but I found out that they don't allow to send fluids and glass things so I don't know what to do with the pear-cognac for WenYing now.

After that we went home and we cooked The last of my IKEA meatballs and potato wedges, it was quite fine but the potatoes got a bit burnt, hehe.

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