Thursday, October 4, 2007

Flying Jacob

I have bought an oven, it wasn't cheap but I think worth it anyway, 878kuai and including two gifts worth around 100-200kuai; a coffee maker that I gave to Jane, partly because I don't drink coffee but mostly because she has helped me out so much, and Chinese teacup thing. I bought a rice-cooker too, a cheap one but more than enough for me I think, it can both boil and steam stuff so I can eat more at home now.

And that's what we did last night, at first it was just Jane and I but Aaron called to ask me to join him for drinking at the Bookwork so I invited him as well. Jane and I had spent the afternoon after we bought the oven at a store called Metro; a place that has just about everything and have lots of imported stuff, and I found a lot of the stuff I needed and wanted there, among other things all I needed to make my chicken-rice-curry-banana-peanuts dish Flying Jacob, except that the curry wasn't really the kind of curry that I wanted, too sweet, and the cream for the sauce was too sweet too. Both Jane and Aaron liked the dish though and it was pretty good, just not exactly the way I wanted. I found some other things I wanted, and some things I wanted when I saw them; English tea, chocolate powder, real bread and best of all New Castle brown ale, of which I bought a six pack and shared with Aaron over the dinner.

Now I just need to find yeast and baking-powder, have already found dry yeast but I don't really trust that so dad will bring real yeast and baking-powder if I can't find it, so that I can bake, I want to make scones!

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