Sunday, October 28, 2007

Tibetan food and about two hours of biking in the rain

Somewhat of an exaggeration; the biking did take about two hours and it did rain, but far from all the time. It just started as a drizzle when we came to the restaurant, that was actually not the restaurant that we, that means Aaron, intended us to go to but we waited there for him to find the place he was looking for and when he found it closed we ate there anyway.

Tibetan food is quite nice; we had yak-butter tea (weird), potatoes that were pretty much the same as Swedish potato buns with meat in them (really good), some bread with jak-meat in it that reminded me of pita-bread back home and for once I got real bread in China which is rare (also good), a jak-yogurt with rice dish that tasted just like sourmilk (filmjölk), a pork and green pepper dish that only had pork fat so I wasn't too happy about it (not so good) and finally a jak meat curry dish that tasted ok but I think the meat was a bit over-cooked, it should probably be like that but I never really liked it that way. The potatoes was definitely the winners anyway, we Will try to make potato buns some day, should be too hard; just mashed potatoes that you fry in butter or something, put some meat in it or whatever and voila!

When we were going home it had really started raining more seriously, and it had gotten cooler, luckily I had brought both scarf and gloves and my rain poncho thing, so both me and Jane were pretty covered up (I was giving Jane a ride because the bike she was supposed to borrow from Aaron had a flat tyre).

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