Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A horrible day...

I had the worst day ever today,or at least the worst since I came to China; from the very start of the day I had problems, problems waking up, I wanted to sleep longer so I skipped breakfast, which I actually do way too often now, I did eat some buns with honey on on the way to Wen Jian where we worked today. The primary school we worked at today is one of the worst I have, the classes have really bad discipline, and today was worse than ever before, at least for those classes, I'm alternating between two sets of classes every week, and add to this I was really really tired and Betty, my assistant, was following Gosha, my co-worker, instead of me since her assistant (and our boss), Ivy, was late and missed the ride. The classes I had was close enough to impossible to control and I nearly started screaming at several points, damn horrible.

When I got home after lunch I basically just crashed, after starting the Heroes download of course, and took a 20 minutes nap. When I got up I had to hurry but for once I was sure I would be on time for the afternoon classes, it is usually very hard to be on time on Tuesdays because we get back from Wen Jian really late, at around 1pm, and with lunch and getting back home I don't have much time before we start in the afternoon at 2.45pm, but the second my door closed I realised my keys where still inside. Now this shouldn't really be a problem but it is because the door locks itself, for some damn stupid reason, but all the doors in China are like this, unfortunately my bike-keys are on the same ring as my house key and after spending about 5 minutes to contact Betty or Ivy to contact the landlord and 5 more minutes to find a taxi and of course taking the taxi there which takes about twice as much time as biking I got there late.

Tuesdays are always bad, the primary school in the morning is horrible and the kindergarten in the afternoon is possibly worse, maybe because I'm always exhausted after the morning classes, the kinds are difficult to start with and with time, like 1 minute, they lose the little concentration they have when we start, and after that it starts getting bad, sigh. I did survive though and Betty went with me to meet the landlord, who doesn't speak English of course, and to help me with some other things, a weird bill where it seems I use more water and electricity in 10 days than I used for a whole month before, among other things.

Add to this a phone that had to be recharged and a landlord that was 45 minutes late and me just getting more and more tired by the minute, ARGH!!!!

Oh, I'm in much better mood now, just sitting here for an hour writing about all the fun that have happened in the weekend helped a lot, I'm not coming home yet, haha.

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