Friday, June 8, 2007

Fakking 103.7kg

Finally got myself a gym membership, though only for the summer, will leave before end of summer anyway so no point in getting any more. It was quite fun, muscles didn't work as well as they used to but that was no surprise, the surprise I got instead was on the scale, 103.7kg with clothes on, that's crazy, and I thought I lost weight sinze winter. Mattias tried to cheer me up by saying muscles weigh more than fat, it only helped a little.
Anyway, I have nearly two months to take care of it, and really nothing else to do so got plenty of time for it.

So three short time goals now:
1. Finish the TEFL course ASAP
2. Find a job in China as soon as I finish the TEFL course
3. Get fit

1 comment:

yan wei said...

ha. ha. ha.
.........oke oke should be more encouraging. all the best man, you will make it!!