Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First day at work...

I like my summer job, I like my co-workers and I like my mentor. They are nice people, I think most about everybody is older than me, some just slightly, some quite a bit, but at least they are all graduated. They are all very open and happy to initiate conversations, I did come in with quite high energy today, so excited about all of this despite the lack of sleep last night.

I can't help to compare it to my former summer jobs at the plastics factory, where everybody is grumpy all the time, old as young. And as many as not are younger then me there, mostly because of the high amount of summer workers. But even with the age in common I never felt any connection to anyone there, too much lack of ambition and technical interest I guess.

And believe it or not, there are actually quite allot of girls at Sony-Ericsson, and I mean at the very much technical department I'm in. I think at least 5 girls in less than 30 people (yes, it doesn't sound like much, but compare that to 5 in 150 that started electronics engineering with me in 2001, or 10 in 300 that worked in Amcor's factory), and at least 3 of them kinda cute, even one cute Asian girl, even though I haven't really spoken to her yet.

I think my I can do more there than I first suspected, today was about learning the system and vocabulary and stuff, but even at the end of the day when we started looking at the XSLT programs I found that I could probably start working with it first thing tomorrow morning. It's a good feeling to think that you are good at something you will work with, and I think I'm good at this, but I guess we will see about that.

Never again back to manual labour, haha!

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