Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Random drinking and memories of Prosit

For some reason we decided to have some drinks the other night, lack of anything else to do I guess. We did drink some last night as well, the heat of the day and somewhat warmth of the evening always feels like it's enticing us to drink something.
We poured some spirits drinks that tasted more or less like crap (don't ever try to mix with light soda, it just doesn't work) and just sat down watching TV. I don't really know why, probably because of lack of sleep and strain from workout, but the drink hit quite fast and hard, it was the red Absolut after all, the one that's 50% vol, and I don't really know how much Mats poured into the glass, and two drinks and a beer later I found the really dull TV show being quite fun. This reminded me so much of that Prosit night me and Mats had a few years ago when I still lived out in Linero (quite much further away from central).

We had been been to the cinema, I don't even remember what we saw, and was heading home, on the way we figured we should stop somewhere for a beer, but instead we just took the bus back to my apartment. About half a year back I had been to Germany and I bought some crazy 60% vol vodka that I never really dared to try before, but it was already quite late and we were more or less in a hurry to get tipsy before heading out to nation club, it was a Thursday so we were going to Lund's.
It was only the two of us, so not many possibilities to play drinking games, and the shows on TV were really crap, but we watched some shit on MTV anyway, some cartoon thing that didn't make much sense at all. But after a drink or two (they were really strong) the show started to get funny, and within half an hour or so we were laughing our heads off.
I think we managed to finish about half that bottle in about 1½ hours before we headed out to the nation. Lund is always quite dull, but somehow we managed to have a blast, I think I won half the money I spent that night back on blackjack.

So that's how we invented the Prosit-impulse-party, good times!
These days we just have a drink and then more or less pass out, I guess I won't do that anymore from next week when I have to work.

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