Friday, June 29, 2007

First week done, and moving out...

Well, one week has passed, nothing really special has happened, I got to borrow home a P1 phone, was actually kinda forced to take it and play with it actually. During the week I have tried to learn what to do there, I'm still not entirely sure, but it seems my main task is to support anyone who needs it so I more or less need to learn a little bit of everything which suits me perfectly since I'm just there for experience.

I'm starting to get to know the people there better too, some are less talkative but most are easy to talk to anyway, at least once you get a conversation started. I have one new hope before I quit, I want to make my own phone customization, which should probably be quite easy in a few weeks, I will just need a new cool phone first but I hope dad will get me that, haha.

Today I brought home another phone for the weekend, we get to borrow them a week if we want, but not more, there are some other test phones that I can borrow too but I didn't want to do that today. It's a W660i anyway, a walkmanphone, I don't know much about it though, just thought it looked neat and I felt like trying it.

Well, now it's time to pack up, throw away and move out, the whole apartment has been looking like shit the last few weeks and now we are at the culmination of it. Today is the day we throw away most of the junk and my parents are coming with a trailer move all the big stuff, and finally tomorrow we are doing the cleaning, I'm not looking forward to that. After that we will celebrate, or have a party at least, it will feel weird to leave, but I've only stayed here for 2 years and a month anyway and coming back in a year anyway. Kei is moving away for good though, will be weird to have a Lund without Kei I think.


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