Friday, June 22, 2007

The horrible game of RISK

Another designated risk night. Mats and I had been talking about it for a week and we opened the subject to Manuel and he was on. I called another friend, Navid, and he was game too, and luckily Kei woke up just in time for us to begin.

It was the first time we invited Navid for playing, and it got emotional and messy as always. Kei got killed off first, he probably had a good plan but was unlucky with the dice, I failed to kill him because of bad luck and Manuel took the scraps after I was done which gave him a major upper hand. Quite soon after Mats killed Navid, but Navid managed to save one area that I could kill off so I got the cards, which unfortunately didn't really save me in the end.

With only Mats, Manuel and me left in the game there were simply too many pacts, Mats had pacted with both me and Manuel and kinda had to screw us both over to keep it fair, due to some pact technicallity he got to take all of Asia (I had half) and take one area in Europe while Manuel and I where fighting over scraps in North-America, always screwing each other over as much as possible.

In the end Manuel and I hated each other so much that we just begged Mats to kill the other before one self and whatever he did he shouldn't let the other win. Manuel gave aways his Europe and Mats could easily have killed me in a turn or two as well, so I gave up too.

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