Sunday, June 24, 2007


We started off with the smallest midsummer eve party gathering ever, just Rappe (Alexander), Kei, Katja and I grilling at my parents place in Bjärred (my parents where with my aunt and uncle at their place). It was really nice though, the meat was terrific and we managed to get quite on an buzz in just a short time. Beer, Bacardi melon with Ramlösa (mineral water), weird Vodka raspberry with grapefruit liquor and Sprite and finally the notorious and self invented Wannabe Irish Coffee, we didn't have any cheap whiskey so we used Stroh Rum instead (80% rum used mostly for cooking I think).

With a completely wrong order of things we never even had any traditional herring and nubbe (schnapps) , instead we started with the meat, simply because that was ready first, we did wait for the potatoes to finish before we started though. The meat was really good, standing ovations for Alexander and Katja who bought it, and the tzatziki sauce we had for it did it's part as well. We did manage to get it right with strawberries though, and whipped cream of course, and after that we played kubb, for those who don't know kubb it is a Swedish game of throwing sticks at things, it's really fun, especially when drunk. The King is dead!

After dinner, playing kubb and enough drinking we took a taxi back to Lund where we joined Navid and his friends at a house party and the first thing that happened there was us playing kubb again (if we fail with some traditions we just overdo the others, less herring and more drinking and kubb). After that we just kept drinking and socializing, the whole thing was quite event free except Navid and his friend (I think it was Kofi) managed to break a glass-door.

Rappe and Katja gave up earlier then us, they borrowed my keys and took a taxi back to my place. Kei and I stayed a bit longer but the party was dying, everybody was just standing in the kitchen, chatting and eating from all the leftover food. I think I managed to eat a whole pack of ice cream with two others, I think it was another Johan and a cute girl called Linnea. Soon after Kei and I left too, at least I was quite disoriented so we walked slightly wrong, no biggie though. And on the way I traded my last sip of Southern Comfort for a cigarette, that was pretty stupid.

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