Monday, July 2, 2007

Back in Bjärred

So, now I'm kinda starting to settle in here in my parents house again, I've got too much stuff and too little room though, but the room I have is bigger than my bedroom in Sparta at least. The worst part is that I'll have to get up before 7 (which is like 15-30 minutes before when I got up when I still lived in Sparta) and will still not be at work until 8.30, which I hope is ok. I'll probably stay here almost the whole week anyway, Mats is leaving Lund on Thursday and he offered me to borrow his room in Sparta so I can be somewhat lazy in the mornings, so probably stay there during most weekdays and stay here in Bjärred during the weekends, maybe going to the summer house for a weekend or so too, at least 28th and 29th of June when we will celebrate Ville's birthday (which is on the 23rd).

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