Sunday, July 8, 2007

Chiayi, Taiwan or Chengdu, China?

Only two days ago I had made up my mind, I sent the email to my correspondent in Chengdu and I said I want the job if they will have me. I got the reply: "Thank you for your reply for our teaching job. I would like to say welcome to chengdu xindian school!". It's not really official yet, but close enough for me to get uncomfortable turning them down now. But today I got a reply from a school in Chiayi, Taiwan. I have been quite interested in going to Taiwan but had given up on the possibility; everybody seems to want to have native speakers with at least a BA and several years of experience.

Chiayi is a much smaller town than Chengdu, about the same size as the third largest city in Sweden, Malmö (that I live quite close to), with around 300 thousand inhabitants, where Chengdu has around 10 million people, quite a big difference. The salary in Chiayi will be higher, but so was the salary in Nanjing and I decided against that anyway.

I think the main issue for me is that I had already in my mind decided on Chengdu, and I have said I will go there. I don't want to risk my integrity either, I should stick to my word, even though its only an Email, shouldn't I?

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