Friday, July 20, 2007


When I fetched my laptop the other day I stopped by at my cousins place it was just after dinner so it was too late that day but Gordana (my Aunt) invited me to dinner with them for yesterday. So yesterday I went there again, the food was really nice, some burgers and pasta. After dinner me and Gordana went swimming in their pool, Sandra and Anna (my two little cousins) were too chicken to swim, they both think the water should be over 25 degrees to swim, which is crazy. The water did feel a bit cold at first, despite the 23 degrees it held, but once I had gotten used to it it was really nice.

After the swimming I was about to go home, but we all started to watch a movie, Apocalypto, and I got stuck watching. I have been quite skeptic about that movie before, but it was actually a very positive surprise; the movie was really well done, especially graphically, it was a bit violent though.

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