Monday, July 30, 2007

Ville 29

His birthday is actually on the 23rd (same as Karen actually, hehe) but we can't really celebrate on a weekday, so for just the weekend the whole family, with cousins, grandma and even Ville's girlfriend's sister we gathered up in the summer house to have a wonderfully grilled dinner and too much wine. I think this was actually the drunkest I have gotten with my family so far, it's not much though and I think it was mostly because I was so very very tired.

After dinner we went down to the lake, just for a stroll, it's was simply too cold for swimming and the mosquitoes were crazy, both in amount and aggression. Once down at the lake I could see the result of all the rains this summer, it was crazy; when I was young the water level of the lake was so that we had to skip on small stones to get out on the big one, but over the years the level has sunk so now it is a small grassy path out, even in autumn when it is normally raining a lot, but now after all the summer rains the level is higher than I ever saw it before, not even with rubber boots could we get to the stone.

Two cousins and a sister.

All the cousins' butts!

I had to get a picture of me for once, I think cousin Anna did a quite good job taking this.

The stone as it is now, barely showing itself above the water.

The view was great in the shading light of a setting sun, so I braved the mosquitoes and sat a while to take a few pictures.

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