Saturday, July 14, 2007

Surprising meeting.

Nothing special this week, I guess I have made more friends at work and so, and I got more to do at work too. I still didn't get enough hours, but my mentor claims that I will get too much to do sooner or later so I'm not worried. I finally managed to understand that I actually got a tax reduction that I had applied for, the decision was kinda hard to get. And I sent in some innovation ideas at work, if they come through I will get some money, but it will probably take a few years.

I had the weirdest encounter this morning on the way to work. I got off the bus at the hospital station to change buses and when I sat down I saw a girl I thought I recognized, a cute Chinese girl sitting with a Chinese boy a bench away from me. I stopped listening to my audio book and tried to see if it was who I thought it was without staring too much, but I didn't really believe it could be her. I know she would be in Sweden now, but I didn't think she would be in Lund, and at that place at that time, and I wasn't too sure how happy she would be to see me.

After a short while I noticed that she was doing the exact same thing I was, half hiding behind her boyfriend she peeked at me, and from that I knew for certain that it was Serena. She is prettier than I remember her actually, and she seemed happy. Her boyfriend is apparently working at Ericsson, in the building just across from mine, but that wasn't why they were there, he didn't take the bus with me there.

It was a brief meeting, just a few minutes talking then I had to catch the bus to work, but I'm glad that I met her anyway. Maybe I should try to contact her on msn or something, Hellen will be back in Lund soon I guess and we used to have some nice dinners, the three of us and Manuel.

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