Sunday, September 30, 2007


Just a brief summary of what has happened since I wrote last:

Friday last week was a full day outside Chengdu again, started of being too tired from the very beginning it became a virtually horrible day. For some reason the schools here have about 4 hours lunch break, which doesn't make much sense to me, at least not in primary school, the kindergartens I can understand since they have nap time and stuff after lunch, at least this gave me a chance to nap too. The total amount of teaching hours that week ended up at 24, out of the 15-20 that my contract states.

This week was a lot worse, started on Monday when we had another full day outside Chengdu and teaching primary school and at lunch my boss told me I had evening classes too, some kindergarten in Chengdu and only two classes but still, she could have mentioned that a little bit earlier, she promised me Wednesday afternoon off as compensation but that was changed before long. The whole week was very tiring, in total I worked 28 teaching hours, again out of the 15-20 that my contract states. My boss says she is trying to find more part time teachers though so it should be better later, and now I have 9 whole days off so time to relax.

An interesting, really interesting, thing that happened this week was on Tuesday when I had kindergarten classes outside Chengdu; a small boy came up to me and tried to talk, which is not unusual so I basically ignored it, but it turned out he was speaking in Swedish to me, apparently his dad is Swedish, I guess him mom must be Chinese since he didn't look at all Swedish, I think that was pretty cool. I think Tuesday was the most relaxed day this week, during the 4 hour lunch break we went to have our feet washed and massaged, kind of weird but it was rather enjoyable.

And yesterday I finally got my salary; my boss had managed to convince the company boss that we have worked so hard that we deserved the full month salary, since we haven't really worked all days this month, and with the evaluation 74 out of 100, which I think is rather good for the first month, but we didn't get any detalied eveluation and I don't know what Gosha got so I'm not sure, I got 5011kuai, minus the deposit of 1000kuai I got 4011kuai in my hand, I need to open a bank account now, will try to do that tomorrow or at least some day next week. At night we had a dinner together with my boss and my coworker, Jane came with me too and Gosha's boyfriend and another Polish guy that is her friend and has worked at our company before. I didn't know that our company would pay for the dinner so I'm quite embarrassed to say I ate for two or three people, which got rather expensive, around 100kuai for me alone; I had a big fajita with chicken and stuff and me and Jane shared a nine layer dip for starter and I ended the dinner with a brownie ice cream thingy, and had a beer to the food too, it was really really good though.

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