Sunday, September 2, 2007

Alone in Chengdu

Western guys, Chinese girls, playing pool, drinking beer, random conversations, making friends, switching bars, English, Italian, Australian, German, American and people for everywhere, except Sweden of course. Hot dancers, Chiva's regal -ice tea, dice games, rapport without talking and other so amazing things.

The night was rather crazy, I went out with no expectations at all and even thought that I would have a beer and then leave. But once there I forced myself to communicate with people, it's small bar called Paname that is owned by a big French guy; there were not many people there in the beginning, it was rather early actually, but I started talking to a black guy from England who seemed a bit too tired, I was jet lagged, but was still friendly and helpful to me. I talked to most other people there, since there weren't that many at the time, and played pool with some other English guy. I went with an American couple to another bar about a hundred meters away; a new place that had a more laid-back not-so-noisy feeling to it called the leg and the whistle. I only stayed there for a short time though and when I came back to Paname it was way more crowded and almost like a tiny club that was a bit too crowded, I mostly stayed outside after that.

My English black friend was about to leave but found a girl that he liked so he stayed and once he had gotten drunk enough he wanted to stay out all night despite losing the girl. So he managed to engage three Italian guys that I didn't like too much and a girl came with them; I think one of the guys thought of the girl as his girlfriend but she didn't seem much into him, rather rejecting actually. I guess the club was like all the Chinese clubs, same as the one in Beijing at least. We bought a bottle of Chiva's Regal of which I got to pay almost everything due to the disappearance of two of the Italians, and of course ice tea. We didn't drink much of it though, I have nearly half the bottle here, instead we just walked around, mostly one and one and engaged other groups of people, I played the dice game I learnt in Beijing with a drunk Chinese girl with some problem coming from different way of signing numbers with your hand.

I finally lost all the others, I guess they just left, so I took a taxi back home and realised that I had managed to get a bit too drunk.

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