Monday, September 10, 2007

Chinese dinner

Hui Guo Rou 回锅肉
Tu Dou Si 土豆丝
Gong Bao Ji Ding 宫保鸡丁 (Kong Pao Chicken)
Fun Qie Dau Twon

I didn't manage to write the last one in Chinese, but that's what I had today anyway. I saw a friend that I met last week today and she brought another friend too, she herself can only speak very little English and her friend hardly any, so it was a bit of a challenge but it turned out quite well anyway. She helped me to buy a bike, so right now I have a bike that's helping me to crowd my apartment, only 300 kuai so it was very affordable. We had the dinner at a tourist spot not far from here, it's a nice area made in traditional Chinese style and the food we had was actually great, after dinner my friend bought me some Chinese cookies but I accidentally left them in a market stand where I bought one of those tricky puzzles (I think it's called a blacksmiths puzzle actually), they had loads and some where really hard so I bought one.

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