Thursday, September 6, 2007

First class

Today was finally the day, my first class as a teacher. I was picked up outside my building at around 8am, about 10 minutes late actually, and after about a 2 hour drive, which should have taken about 1½ at the most but we got lost in the other city, we arrived in the school; a nice little primary school, well maybe not so little, I guess they must have had around 4-5 hundred students divided among 6 grades and two or three classes per grade.

Of course there was a lot of confusion, the first class I should have had, a 1st grade class, had already been, it was simply too early for us to get there in time for that, so my first class was instead a 4th grade class. I had made a simple lesson plan but i realised quite soon that it was not long and enough and it was not really the right level, I still don't know what level it should be, and I think the class went quite bad.

After that me and Gosha had one class off, because of the class we should have had earlier, and during that time I tried to re-evaluate the lesson plan for the 1st graders I would have after. It turned out that they still wanted me to have both the 1st grade classes for half a class each, so the lesson plan I had would work out ok, and it did. Quite a lot more successful than the class I had first, the kids were really quite adorable and at the end of the second half every single kid waned to high five me; in the beginning they had seemed scared to look at me even.

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